out with the old, in with the new
i am trying mightily to toss out all of last year’s flotsam and jetsam. but i am having a hard time of it. there was a reason i saved each of those bits. so every time i pick up a pile to toss, i see potential. but i have to remind myself, that i am more motivated by the clean desk and the blank page, than i am by piles. i not a thrifter, nor a garage sale goer, nor a junk market shopper. i don’t want to sift through lots of stuff to find the one hidden gem. my only exception to this is beach combing. i will happily sit on a beach for an entire day sorting and sifting through the sand to find one perfect beach rock or shell. i digress. all of this is way of saying that we will be jumping willy-nilly through the seasons here for a few days while i clear out my stashes, and i wait for the snow to melt enough to make walking my trails doable.
dried leaves in fall colors