from an arm’s length away, these false solomon seal berries looked bronze colored. i stopped trailside and thought to myself–how often do you see bronze berries? it wasn’t until i pulled this photo up on a 27 inch imac screen that i saw what was really going on. and if anything this mottled red and gold was even more spectacular. another argument in favor of stopping, and looking closely. without still blog i would have thought to myself, “bronze berries. hmmm. haven’t seen that before.” and then continued with my walk, perhaps wondering what steve was cooking for dinner, and whether jack was truly happy and content on his walk, or whether he needed another palmful of water from my water bottle to make his life complete.
false solomon’s seal fruit
sucker lake regional trail, saint paul, minnesota
So beautiful!
Are you sure these berries (false or not, no matter) are salomon’s seal fruit ?
It appears that the flowers of a Salomon’s seal are all on the same side of the stem…
So, i am very surprised !?