three beautiful things found in the course of a single walk, which could only have taken place in May, given the perfect white ripeness of the wood anemones. But how about that exquisitely infested two-tone leaf? And isn’t that snapping turtle skull, in his own way, a beauty? that’s how i felt all day. full of gushy girlish wonder and gratitude.
three items found on one may walk: egg decorated leaf, turtle skull, wood anemone
sucker lake trail, saint paul, minnesota
that skull is truly remarkable
Steve found it, Margie. That and the beaver were all I needed for my birthday.
That leaf is amazing. Most definitely an exquisite infestation.
A turtle skull! How cool. I was trying to guess what it was… Not sure I would have come up with that! Love the leaf, too.
you walk in amazing places!
I feel like I don’t really walk in amazing places. I feel like I walk in ordinary places and paying attention makes them amazing. If that makes sense…