this is our first winter as chicken owners. and it’s been a doozy. we were told by several sources that our girls would lay fewer eggs in the winter–something that supposedly has more to do with lack of daylight than cold temperatures. well, our pampered troopers, with their heat lamps and lights on timers, and, i will admit, occasional morning oatmeal with butter and organic heavy whipping cream, continued their daily laying right through the polar vortex. we were so proud. then, this morning, we found the above three eggs all in the same nesting box. looks like we might need to call a plumber.
three golden-buff chicken eggs (#glimmer)
from our chicken coop, saint paul, minnesota
p.s. my husband, steve, has recently started a foodie instagram feed. in it you will find several of the egg dishes we have been perfecting since we got chickens. you can check it out here if you are interested.