i was a reluctant and slow joiner, but for now i am all in on instagram. i have found it it a rewarding way to kill those 5 minute waits that seem to pepper any given day. recently, while browsing in the car between my arrival at my son’s school and the bell for dismissal, i came upon the feed of two makers in australia, lucy and lily, who go by the name of @peachesandkeen. they started making patterns with plants that sort of blew me away. so, good artistic thief that i am, i tried my hand. i like how it turned out. i like it a lot, actually. but i have to admit, in the end it looks more like an imitation than not. sometimes, when i see something inspiring like that, my attempt to imitate it ends up so different from the original that it becomes something of my own, influenced by the original, but at the same time something new. in this case, i respectfully cede the floor to lucy and lily, who are doing something i have failed to appropriate, and have only managed to imitate. in other words, bravo @peachesandkeen.
assemblage of late september wildflower bits and pieces
saint paul, minnesota
bravo indeed