as i hopped from foot to foot shrieking helpful advice like “ohmygodohmygodohmygod”, my husband steve calmly scooted this 18 inch slab of prehistoric muscle and carapace onto a snow shovel and placed it gently on white paper for me to photograph. then he equally gently carried it, by shovel, down to the water’s edge to release it, while i gave quavering and unhelpful advice. i love my husband. every bit of him. and i had visions of severed parts of him ending up as snapping turtle. i’m not sure i could enjoy being married to a snapping turtle. even partly.
common snapping turtle
turtle lake, saint paul, minnesota
Awww. I love turtles! We always rescue wandering turtles who think crossing roads is a good idea!! I have a turtle tattoo and my screen name is Purpleturtle without the vowels… And, THANK YOU for this awesome post!! Such a cute face!! 8*)