on being (messily) prescriptive

first, let me say happy thankgiving to all my fellow americans! i can honestly say i will not miss being at home for the christmas and year-end holidays this year, with their endless and deadening marketing and commercialization. But I have a soft spot for thanksgiving, where we all spend a day thinking about being grateful, and eating with family. i don’t know how they’ve managed not to ruin it, but they have failed gloriously. i’ll be thinking of all of you and your efforts to achieve that impossible thing–the perfectly roasted turkey. bon courage à vous tous. as for today’s post, i normally shun simplistic and prescriptive words, exhorting us on toward our better selves. but i just like the way this one looks, and i think there is enough messiness in the design to leave room for mistakes, perhaps many of them, on the way to following the word’s advice.

broom twigs

autignac, france

  • Limner says:

    What does it say? I don’t speak French. I don’t read it either. :( REASE?

    • It says CREATE. I agree it’s tricky to see.

  • Dede says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to the Hoffman’s! Love the create message and you are so inspirational in so many ways: to enjoy nature, to learn, to look for patterns and appreciate the details!

  • Limner says:

    I returned for another look and I got it! Very clever. :D Thank you.

  • Limner says:

    And Happy Thanksgiving!


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