even though we have had some nice mild (i.e. windless) weather here in southern france, i have not gotten out into the garrigue much the last few days. the reason is because i have fallen down a rabbit hole. don’t worry, i didn’t get hurt. nothing is broken. i have tried my hand at collage many times over the years with only moderate success. but a few days ago, i tried yet one more time. and i’ll be damned if it didn’t work. i’m loving doing it, and as importantly, liking the results. so i haven’t done anything but glue bits of painted paper into pleasing compositions for three days straight. i’m afraid to stop lest i lose the mojo. which is all a long way of explaining why i chose this little succulent from a pot on my terrace for today’s STILL subject. and now has me wondering how often i look right over the beauty right under my own nose in search of something “better” out there.
autignac, france
Recuerda que a fines de los años setenta el Ministerio del Interior tenía previsto unir en Úbeda
al conjunto de las academias de la Guarda Civil esparcidas por España. http://flagrantdirecti05.unblog.fr/2016/11/17/academia-serpol/
Delicious, soft, pearly colors. You could do a collage of it,perhaps?!
I got to collage later in life than intended, now it has me by the throat! Ha. Enjoy