new year, new rules

new year, new rules

if you will recall, my stretch for this year will be to experiment with occasional photos of food. as most of you know, my husband is a food writer, and we collaborate all the time, so this should open up some new avenues for me and also build some images that perhaps we both can profit from in the end. but i won’t be photographing styled food or cooked dishes. i would like to experiment with food as nature. i think seeds, and pods, and roots, and fruits are all fascinating, and i think i can bring them in under the STILL blog umbrella without altering the overall vision by much. you and i will all be discovering exactly what this means as i go.

so, having said all that already, i am now tiptoeing my way into what it might mean to allow food in some form to make occasional appearances in still blog without changing what still blog stands for. the point is to use food not primarily as something that looks good to eat, but food as biology, nature, shape, line, landscape. this is an early effort to create a definition of “still food.” in all modesty . . . i like it.

carrot tips (Daucus carota)

  • Ginny says:

    I like this direction. And my initial reaction here was laughter. It’s good to start the day with a laugh! Thanks!

  • Delightful, definitely laughter-inducing! There might well be some gnomes looking for their hats!

  • Pam says:

    So Joyful!! Just love it.

  • Dede Bliven says:

    This brought a smile to my face. I love your new direction with food!

  • Susan says:

    Love. Love. Love.

  • Carol says:

    Carrots wearing wizard hats – love it

  • Heather H. says:

    Yes! Love this. Can’t wait to see more.

  • Candice says:

    I like it, too.

  • Celia says:

    Love this! Who knew carrots could make one smile so?


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