never fail sumac

never fail sumac

It’s shaping up to be a weird year for fall colors here in the Twin Cities. Unusually warm days have thrown the trees into confusion. Most of the leaves are still green, and many may fall from the trees without really turning color this year. But old-reliable sumac is here for us. These citrusy colors look unnatural here in the North. And not all sumacs do this green-to-yellow-to-orange-to-raspberry-red display–most just skip the middle steps an go straight to red. I’ve been eyeing this patch of sumac for a week, hoping I could find the time to snag a branchlet or two before they all turn red. Today I made the time. And I am glad I did, it may be our best fall color display of the season.

staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina)

  • Val says:

    I love Sumac.

  • Ginny says:

    Simply breathtaking, MJ!! The heat stressed summer here has a lot of leaves falling without turning. :(


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