i know i’ve posted a lot of sumac this fall. but, this little ordinary stem got singled out today for showing its state spirit–maroon and gold, the team colors of our local minnesota golden gophers. you will have noticed that sports play an almost nonexistent role in the still blog aesthetic, but the university of minnesota football coach just retired abruptly, after spending years fighting the opposing forces of epilepsy and the mind-clouding medicines that keep it under control on one side, and coachingĀ a division one team with a clear head on the other side. his name was jerry kill, and he had spent years minimizing the intake of the medicines he needed to control his epilepsy, in order to keep his mind sharp to do the one and only thing he ever loved–coaching college football. i don’t love football as a sport, but it is just a very moving human moment to watch someone walk away from one thing he loves, because he can’t stand the thought of his wife, the thing he loves more, staying up all night, monitoring him for signs of seizure. i wish it were different, jerry. but you did the right thing.
dried sumac leaves
saint paul, minnesota