gazing skyward

gazing skyward

today i had a two hour phone consultation with an art coach…her name is pennylane shen, and you can find her here. my expectations were awfully low. unless you are teaching me zone defense, or a pick and roll, or how to shave 1/10 of a second off my time in the 100, i don’t really want to call you “coach.” i have done pretty well as my own cheerleader, strategic planner, and tactical advisor. i didn’t think i needed a coach to tell me a lot of stuff i probably already knew. well, friends, i couldn’t have been more wrong. after two hours i hung up the phone inspired, awed, instructed, and thankful to have been in the company of a crystal clear thinker, who could articulate her ideas in a way that was both honest and inspiring. i am off to plan an artist website, an annual print sample of still blog images, and maybe  a book. oh, and probably my next session with “coach.”

magnolia blossom

  • Dede Bliven says:

    A book-why didn’t I bug you about that. A terrific idea and can you get it done before the holidays-presents for all! you could include some of your musings as well.

  • Ani Ferrara says:

    A book would be amazing. All of your work is so inspiring and absolutely gorgeous. It brings me such joy to visit your blog and view calming and peaceful art. Just a little escape from the world. Looking forward to buying prints of your work one day and framing them around the house to enjoy. Thank you for all that you do.


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