An update from me: First, everyone is safe. On October 4th, 2024, Steve and I experienced an extensive house fire that destroyed our family home. We are dazed and very sad, with a very long road ahead of us. Our home was quirky and spare and had begun to show its age, but it fit us and our unusual professional-creative lives well, and was the place both of our children will always think of as “home.” There is good news amid the bad. Nobody was hurt, including our dog who was in the house when the fire started. We have found a stable living situation for the year or more it will likely take us to rebuild. There is really nothing anyone can do to help right now, and in the midst of this minor tragedy we remain acutely aware of greater tragedies all around us, and of people in greater need than we. The most clarifying outcome of this has been a reminder we didn’t really need—that our family, our respective food and creative communities, and a few close friendships, are what sustain us and keep our wells filled and our souls intact.
As many of you here know, I also have an 88 year old Mom who is requiring significant attention. As a result, my plate has officially runneth over. The chain has been broken, and I will be taking a break from STILL for the near-term. All my camera equipment was destroyed in the fire, along with all my nature collections. The interesting thing is that I already miss my daily practice and I sense it would be a very healing ritual right now. As gutted and dazed as I am, I am still noticing little moments of beauty every day and thinking to myself “oh, that would be perfect for STILL”. I plan to come back to STILL, switching back to a black background when I do (that was planned prior to the fire :-). I hope to resume STILL no later than January 1, 2025. But it could be sooner once we get ourselves–and my mom–settled into new homes.
In the meantime, thank you all for being part of a web of healing connections that is both virtual and very real. Much love. Mary Jo
What a gracious way to see your situation, Mary Jo. I’m so glad you’re all safe. I did think of your collections and your camera equipment but you’ll rebuild and recollect. And enrich our days again when you’re ready. All the best with your mum.
I wish I could hug you and send you feathers and lichen and shells this minute. I’m so glad you’re all well. Take care. We’ll be here when you return.
Mary Jo (and family). I am a one of your innumerable kindred wanderers. Your photos speak to my soul. My heart is heavy for all that you’ve lost. Your book is e even more precious to me now if that’s possible. I just bought another one to share and as a tiny way of showing you that you are not alone. You continue to inspire. Sending loving kindness your way everyday.
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for your loss and the stress you are currently under. Happy to hear all are safe. Of course, a creative person would see the beauty in the loss and chaos. You are such an inspiration! Sending healing vibes your way and as others have said, I’ll be waiting…
Long time follower of your work, and heartbroken for you to lose your family home as well as your cameras and materials. Glad everyone is ok, and that you are taking time to get settled before beginning again. Your creativity is at work even during this period of “rest”!
Good Morning to you and your family and I am so sorry for your monumental loss of Home. Glad you are all safe.
Let the healing process work in its own time. Stop, Breathe, Be Still and take care of each other as you know is most important.
When you feel you are ready, get back to why the Still Blog gave you Joy and why you started it. Still go for that walk with your pup everyday in nature, pick up what intrigues you, take those pictures, post those pictures on your blog – that gives people Joy, Makes them smile and wonder. Know this and let it help you in this difficult time. All the other things will take care of themselves in time. Rest.
My heart is aching for you and your family, Mary Jo! So thankful you are all safe, including Jack. We never know what life will throw at us next, but I feel certain you’ll handle this with grace and wisdom. Thank you for what you bring to the world via STILL.
Black background next year, huh? Well, ok, if you must :)
I’m sorta curious about what prompted that artistic decision.
Sending love and big hugs your way. Hope you have a new camera and some woods to wander with Jack soon. Your following misses you and the peace & beauty you share.
XOXO, Ginny
Such heartbreaking news, Mary Jo. Take all the time you need. We will all be here when you are ready to return and in the meantime sending you and Steve much love and big hugs
Sending you warm aloha in this time of loss and transition. So happy to hear that you and the family are safe. Take it slow and take your time. We’ll be here waiting patiently.
Since I am pretty new to this beautiful space, while you are gathering the pieces of your life together, I will be looking back through the all the pictures that I have yet to ponder and enjoy. Hoping each day you STILL find a little beauty to wander in. And thank you for sharing your gift. Wishing you much healing and love in the next few months.
Out of force of habit, I still click on STILL blog At the same time every morning. I am hoping that I have been living in a nightmare dream for a few days. My best love to you and your family and your doggie.
Mary Jo – I have quietly enjoyed your daily photos and blog for years. In fact, your work gave me confirmation that photographing nature on a simple white background can be art and appreciated by many people. I thank you for that. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your house and belongings — you’ve been in my thoughts. All the best to you and your family. Take your time. We’ll be here when you’re ready to return.
Mary Jo , my heart aches for you. I had just discovered you through your inspiring book and blog. I hope that you find solace in the details and small wonders in nature that you so elequetly share with us. Hope that you enjoy this next leg of your journey and soon find yourself with a camera in your hands again.
Mary Jo, Your message . . . so brave and eloquent in the aftermath of such an achingly brutal event . . .thankful your family and sweet dog are safe. And THANK YOU beyond words for your gorgeous photography, an inspiration to my creative spirit by capturing the magic and wonder of this beautiful earth. I wish you and yours amazing strength and light.
Mary Jo, I’m so sorry for the loss of your home, but am also very glad to hear no one was hurt. I hope you take the time you need to grieve and heal, and when you do come back, keep giving yourself grace for this new chapter. Maybe your rhythm will look different and that is okay. My family has enjoyed STILL since we saw you featured on TPT years ago and we are grateful for this little place on the web to reflect on the beauty around us. You have such gift, but mostly YOU are the gift to your family and community. God bless you!
Miss you, MJ!