letting down

letting down

I am letting down after a three week stretch of back-to-back book launch events for my husband’s new book (A Season for That). It’s a rainy day. A perfect day to sweep the slate clean. These are the remains of my previous two weeks of STILL still laying on my kitchen floor. Today I will sweep it all up, mop the floor, and start afresh tomorrow. Have you heard the expression “outer order, inner calm” ?  Well, it applies to me. If my environment is cluttered and in disarray, I feel the same on the inside. So, my rainy day of sweeping the house clean will be both a symbolic end to our busy stretch and a cleansing restart for my cluttered mind. Outer order, inner calm.


  • Susan L. says:

    The ISA is in disarray. If only a broom could help.

  • Old Lady Gardener says:

    I have not heard that expression, but I love it and understand just how you feel! If only the sweeping of my floor resulted in such loveliness, sigh.


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