i was cleaning up today, and came across these dried kermes oak leaves from southern france. i mention this not because finding oak leaves from southern france while you are sitting out the last snow fall of the winter in minneapolis isn’t interesting in and of itself, but because here i was once again tidying up. it will come as no surprise to any of you who have read this blog regularly or who follow me me on instagram, that i am a minimalist at heart. i need outer simplicity in order to feel inner calm. if i am faced with a big project, my first step is always to “clear the deck”. i clean the house, do the laundry, pay the bills, fill the fridge with several days of meals. i top off the gas tank and wash the car. sometimes, i’ll even make a run to goodwill or salvation army. then i start working, so i’m all ready now. there must be a project i’m preparing for. i just don’t know what it is yet.
dried kermes oak leaves
autignac, france
… I am sure there is something great for you around the corner – good luck!
Too Funny…. We are so much alike in our taste and habits. Your blog is literally daily food for my soul!
I’m so grateful for your work and for sharing your process!
I make it a ritual to clean my studio well before I start a project…the clean slate feeling is key to my creativity. Not that I complete every project but it gives me that sense of starting anew.