i’ve got my feet in minnesota and my head in languedoc
as of today, we are officially making plans to live for another six months in the languedoc region of southern france later this year. this sounds romantic but it really involves trying to get to the french consulate in chicago in time to get a long stay visa. it involves trying to register a 15 year old in a foreign high school. it involves gathering all of our financial documents to prove we can live in a foreign country for six months without depending on the state for support. it involves proving we have insurance that will transport our bodies back to the US should we die in france. it involves paying some rent upfront. it involves finding a housesitter and a dogsitter in shoreview mn. on the other hand, it does also involve deciding whether to fly into paris or barcelona. and it involves notifying our friends in autignac, farmers, winemakers, grocers, and students, that we will be returning. so let’s be clear. it’s going to be a lot of work. but i’m not complaining.
maturing languedocien wine grapes
You can do it!