it’s hard to keep up
i spent the better part of the day doing a live Q & A over on stanford alumni’s @stanfordalumni instagram feed. i had a hard time keeping up. i don’t mean i had trouble keeping up with the questions. the questions were awesome and i had a ball answering them. no, i had a hard time keeping up with the technology. i’m a pretty savvy user of instagram, but it was hard for me to process the fact that instagram stories didn’t exist two years ago, and instagram stickers (which is the interface i used today) is maybe only months old, and yet there is an entire language and an entire software infrasructure in place to compose and post and illustrate and decorate ephemeral photos that no one can see after 24 hours. of course i resisted instagram itself when it first came out (and this all makes me feel like a crusty old grandma who wants to know what in the hell it means to “text” someone), but today made me feel for the first time as if the complications of technology and social media may begin to leave me behind, and i will have to make my peace with being a little bit “out of it,” and maybe seeming a little bit old as a result.
agave leaves