It’s been balmy!

It’s been balmy!

Our roadside are prettier this year than I ever remember seeing them. It’s sort of like a super-bloom midwestern style. Heaping mounds of wildflowers in every color. I am not sure exactly why: I suspect all the recent rain has a lot to do with it, and possibly the previous three years of drought that could have killed off many of the non-native choker weeds, and maybe because the MN DOT has finally gotten on board with not mowing the bejeesus out of the roadside habitats in hopes of creating just this–one huge open-field wildflower bonanza.  One of the stars of this roadside show right now is bee balm–miles and miles of lilac-colored jester’s caps. I stopped to pick some today, and was quickly reminded why it is called bee balm: the flowers were covered with a buzzing, throbbing, cloud of bees (especially bumble bees). I reached in to pick my few stems without concern, knowing that the bees were far to contended with their balm than to worry about me.

bee balm (monarda)

  • Judy says:

    horse mint, Monarda fistulosa


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