it just keeps coming

it just keeps coming

lots of snowy stems so far this year. but snow is what is happening. so snow you get. another 12 inches the past two days. i am not getting out past my own yard much. so far today, we are still snowed in and waiting for the plow guy to come. i am not complaining–it’s is pretty, pretty, pretty out there. and being housebound for a few days suits my ambivert soul just fine. today, my husband brought me a wonderful STILL-worthy gift from his walk up the driveway, so hopefully tomorrow you will get a reprieve from all this snow and ice.

  • Richard Reardon says:

    Might as well get used to snowmageddons. I have a feeling global warming and a wobbling polar jet stream will make us the the Upper Midwestern Buffalo, N.Y.


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