i’ve been feeling a little like this cottonwood lately, hanging out there between earth and sky, between water and land, between fall and winter, between minnesota and france, between still blog and, well, whatever will come after still blog. i like the creative tension that comes with being somewhere in transition between certainties, but it’s tiring. i’m getting ready to be a fish, not a frog, an oak not a cottonwood, a blade of grass, not a reed. but not quite yet.
cottonwood tree branches hanging over a snow covered lake
sucker lake, saint paul, minnesota
For some reason your post today reminded me of That Tree. You might enjoy the daily photos of a lonely bur oak. http://thattree.net
Hi Celia,
I just went and checked it out. What an interesting project! Definitely a kindred spirit!
Thank you for sharing it with me :-)
Mary Jo
You’re most welcome! Enjoy!
so much beautiful imagery
Does this mean you won’t be doing the STILL blog next year? Oh, I hope I’m wrong!
Hi Sandy,
You are so sweet! Your comment put a smile on my face.
Don’t worry, I will be doing STILL. Probably one more year.
And then I don’t anticipate that I’ll be stopping so much as evolving it into something new.
Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!
xo Mary Jo