this black cherry stands right beside my neighbor’s driveway. i have been eyeing it as a STILL blog subject for days, and yesterday i was finally able to talk my son into trudging through knee deep snow with me so he could hold up a white backdrop while I took a few photos. i don’t have any telephoto on my camera, so i had to get up close to take the photo. as i pushed my lens up close to the tree, a little head popped up, and before I had time even to register the phylum of the creature before me, an explosion of downy woodpecker aimed itself toward my camera lens, darted past my ear, and landed on an adjacent tree. yes, the downy woodpecker was completely adorable, and yes, to the embarrassment of this nature girl and lifelong tomboy, i screamed.
downy woodpecker nest, in use
saint paul, minnesota
Oh, I love this! All of your posts, in fact.
Thank you Emmanuelle!
what a perfect carpenter that woodpecker is
haha. what a surprise. i hope your son was as able to see beyond the white backdrop, he’d most definitely gotten gotten a chuckle and deemed his time worthwhile! :)
We both thought it was pretty cool. A fun story to tell, and re-tell at dinner, with a little bit of laughing at Mom’s expense :-)