STILL going
someone asked me the other day if i was running out of ideas for STILL blog. i understand the concern behind the question, but i almost had to restrain the enthusiasm behind my denial. i have thought to myself that i could probably do a year’s worth of STILL blog from one square meter of forest floor, not only because there is such a shocking amount of biomass in that square meter, but because the contents of that square meter change almost daily through the seasons, not to mention the phenomenon of creativity blossoming in an atmosphere of constraints. anyway, i’m not currently running out of ideas, in case you were worried. ask me if i ever get tired of evenings by the fire. ask my puggle if he ever gets tired of begging for leftovers. ask a northerner if she ever gets tired of spring. or a fisherman if he ever gets tired of opening day. i think you get the idea. running out of ideas? that’s crazy talk.
anthurium leaf