Here we go…

Here we go…

I love the two or three weeks of transition between high seasons more than any other times of year. And with all my travel this fall, I was afraid I might miss this year’s autumn transition. But, unseasonably warm weather has prolonged our summer by a couple of weeks, which means I am here for the turn. Here in body anyway. My mental presence is proving to be trickier. My mom, whom I have been visiting twice a day to help with her care, has just been move into a Transition Care Unit for the next few weeks, to get us through to the the surgery on her back (scheduled for Oct 4), when we will see if it will provide her the relief she needs to be able to walk comfortably again. In other words, I have been pulled in so many directions for the past month, that my mind is anything but STILL. My routine of daily noticing is so deeply ingrained now, that I am still finding my daily delights. But gathering and making photos has gotten squeezed into the margins. My mom is settled now, for the next two weeks anyway, so I am hopeful for a little more stillness in the near future.

(unidentified) leaves in autumn transition 

  • Susan L. says:

    Do what you need to do. Be as still as you can be. Remember that you don’t owe us a thing. We’ll wait.


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