hello sunshine!

hello sunshine!

hello longtime friends and new arrivals! about six months ago, an intrepid and talented video storyteller named maribeth romslo approached me at my creative mornings talk and told me about a project she was working on, making short video profiles of creative women in the upper midwest. the project was sponsored by reese witherspoon’s “hello sunshine” media company, and i thought to myself, well this is really flattering and of course i’m willing to play along, but they will certainly find more famous and influential creative women to profile than mary jo hoffman and her daily nature blog. for a number of delightful reasons, i was dead wrong. and today my profile appears on the hello sunshine website, maribeth romslo is now a friend and collaborator, and reese witherspoon just introduced me on her facebook page. please go check it out, and i guess let’s all stop underestimating ourselves, shall we? much love and deep thanks to all of you. xoxoxo mary jo.


  • Ginny says:

    Indeed delightful, on all counts! Congratulations, the recognition is well deserved.

  • Tracey says:

    The profile was wonderful to see. Congratulations and thank you for your daily inspiration. I do look forward to your posts.

  • Michelle Hancock says:

    Lovely video. Thank you for showcasing daily beauty into the world. I always look forward to your stunning artwork.

  • susan vonderhaar says:

    congratulations, mary jo. I just watched the video – wow, how inspiring. i love your blog, look at it every day and tell as many people as i can about it. (one of your shower curtains is currently hanging in my bathroom.) your images are stunning, gorgeous, mindful, sometimes humorous, sometimes haunting, always memorable. what i like most about the blog, though, is you. you are real. you are funny. you are insightful. you are human. you’ve got grit, woman. thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing yourself with the world. it’s a better place because of it.

  • karen bergman says:

    Beautiful! I view your page every day. Your art is inspiring and beautiful, and your details always make me smile. Thank you for sharing your gift!


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