happy then sad
sometimes when i am making a STILL blog photo, i look through the viewfinder and i am overcome with beauty, and then right on it’s heels…sadness. it is not because these leaves were beetle eaten that makes me sad, beetles are part of the circle of life too, but because i know i will not be able to share the photo with you with any of the detail that makes it so remarkable. in order to post to the web, i resize my 8 MB photos down to 300K. if i didn’t it would take way too long for STILL pages to load. this photo of gorgeous lace-like linden leaves, is a perfect example. the crisp, sharp edges where the beetles chewed away the soft bits of the leaves in the original image is what makes the photo. but the low resolution image only hints at it. but you guys are good…i know you can imagine the details in your mind’s eye. it’s quite breathtaking, isn’t it?
beetle eaten linden (tilia) leaves
The beetles are the amazing- to create such beauty while dining
I’m amazed how something that I would find ugly and unwelcome in my own garden can look so beautiful on your blog. I appreciate that your work allows me to view things a bit differently.
I still want to destroy slugs and Japanese beetles, however.