“hang in there” might just be my motto for 2017. i think i’ll make a print of this image and tape it somewhere where i’ll see it often, to remind myself of the toughness and tenacity of these tendrils. it’s going to be a rough re-entry for me this time. far worse than any previous trip. we arrive home right after the inauguration, and in the middle of winter. it’s going to be…a challenge. i hope these syrah tendrils will remind me to be flexible and creative, and reach for support when i need it.
p.s. happy solstice. i love this day, and all that it signifies. make an offering, light a candle, feed some wildlife, and be grateful to be alive.
syrah grape vine tendrils
autignac, france
I feel your pain. But, for my best friend who has a birthday on Jan. 20, the pain is even greater !!!!