Happy Birthday to Me!
Today I turn 60! I started STILL in my 40s. Time flies. The dandelion photo is apropos of nothing. It just happens to be the photo I made today. I used to think of dandelions as summer flowers, but now I realize they are more a spring flower than summer, and an incredibly important early food source for our bees. We try to practice No-Mow-May at our house. But this year I caved and mowed the grass yesterday because it had gotten so high I feared the mower wouldn’t be able to get through it in another week. I grabbed this lanky specimen before I began. He was a good 18 inches tall. It reminds me of a Giacometti sculpture :-)
dandelion flower gone to seed
HBTY! I’d go back to 60 in a heartbeat :) Hope you have a delightful day.
I’ve never seen such a long stem on a dandelion! Nice find.