guest post from steve hoffman
good morning STILL blog community. there has been a temporary coup, and, for one day only, i, steve hoffman, am your new overlord. mary jo has spent the day trying to prototype a number of new illustrations for one of my articles, and so, somewhat ironically, she has worked all day on a piece of my writing, while i have worked all day trying to create a mary jo hoffman conposition. you will see that i am much more drawn to the safety of grids and linear composition than she is, and that i am not one tenth the artist she is. but i hope you will at least look forgivingly on my attempt to wring a bit of order and balance out of the random chaos of bark, berries, stems, needles, and leaves that was delivered to me in a cardboard box this morning. if nothing else, this should remind you of just what a mountain six years of daily composition is to climb. and i hope, when mary jo returns tomorrow, you will appreciate even more than usual the dogged, daredevil climber you get to watch perform her death defying aesthetic feats each morning. until next time, thank you for being a part of this strange, improvisational, and rewarding experiment called STIL blog.
juniper berries, cedar tips and birch bark
How nice to see Juniper berries. Brother Juniper was one of the early followers of St. Francis of Assisi. May we all be serving, creating and ever re-imagining what has been presented to us each day. Great job Steve.
Great job Steve, but I think there is a subliminal message here that only Robert Langdon can provide. The pyramid and the repeating juniper berries is clearly code for something and I am not sure what. Hopefully MaryJo will give us a hint by the end of the week.
eh, sr. hoffam, me gusta mucho su trabajo!
Muchas gracias Señora Sánchez.