good things come to those who wait
do any of you remember the persimmons i posted way back in november? i reposted them today (right before this post) so i could show you the before and after of these three fruits. yup, these are the same three persimmons–117 days later. they have been sitting on my kitchen counter ever since, and i have been keeping a daily eye on them. they didn’t really rot, they didn’t mold, they didn’t dry out and crack, they just sort of…deflated. and with each passing day they got more and more interesting. you may recall, my rule of thumb for what passes muster as a STILL blog photo: the subject has to be either beautiful or interesting. and every once in a while, i get lucky, and find something that is both–truly beautiful and interesting. well, these deflated persimmons are definitely interesting. you’ll have to decide for yourself if they are also beautiful.
overripe persimmons (Diospyros kaki)
Melted chocolate puddles
fascinating. it’s like they dried themselves for you. I love seeing how the stalks have changed too.
I’ve made this my homepage on my work computer. It’s so soothing to see something beautiful when I open my browser. Thank you! I love your daily stills.
Oh these really are intriguing. And to me, so beautiful. Thanks for your art. Long time admirer, first time commenter.
Thank you Elizabeth for your kind words and for taking the time to comment.
So nice to meet you!
xo, Mary Jo