this is rue. she arrived yesterday from ohio. she is three days old. she has five sisters: effie, prim, clove, katniss, and glimmer. all named by our daughter. she is an early layer, so we hope to have eggs by july.
there may still be two feet of snow outside our window, but it is spring in our hearts.
golden buff (aka cinnamon comet) chick
saint paul, minnesota
After at least a year of checking your site daily, I just realized that there are details and a place to comment. This one made me smile. I immediately wondered where you came up with a live chick in March!
Hi Stefie,
What a treat to see you here! So glad you found the details tab. I intentionally made the blog design ultra-minimal but I may have over done it a bit. eep.
Next time you are “up north” to visit your folks or sis, stop by and meet the chicks! We’ll be around all summer hanging out in the yard chick-sitting :-)
Mary Jo
as much as I love your collections – stones, shells, twigs, seeds and so on……..this chick is as refreshing as the thought of spring! So cute, and, love the names your daughter has come up with.
That’s super sweet. Thanks Janine!
Mary Jo
so precious
I adore your photograph. Would you grant me permission to reproduce it as a large scale oil painting?
Thanks for posting.
Of course! Have at it. I am flattered :-)
Please email me a snapshot of it when you are done?
Or if you want a high res. version of it, email me at maryjo.hoffman@comcast.net
You’re on! And thank you! It will be a couple weeks as I work in multiple images at a time. Keep up the photography. This is lovely.