going wit the flow
I am just back from the Pacific Northwest. It was a great trip–5 fun events and a live tv appearance. And as serendipity would have it, I even had a book review in the Seattle Times on Sunday–a coincidence of timing! Seattle put on a gorgeous display of crystalline blue skies, views of both the Cascade and Olympic mountain ranges, and September sun winking off the soft wakes in the Puget Sound. Quite sublime. The more typical fog and drizzle rolled in as headed for the airport. We could not have been luckier. And to top it all off, we thought our beloved sandhill cranes might have flown south while were gone (our housesitter did not see them for two days), but this afternoon they showed up to greet me. We have one more week of 80 degree weather, so perhaps they will stay through the week. Last year the left on September 23rd. Such a delightful welcome home.
bits and pieces of dried autumn