apparently magnolias are ancient enough to predate bees. which begs the question, how in the hell did they pollinate? well, i will admit, in the middle of a time consuming photo commission lately, to getting my information from wikipedia, which theorizes that magnolia flowers evolved in order to encourage pollination by beetles. and once again, in a household enamored of e. o. wilson, and of coleoptera-loving 12 year old boys, we find ourselves on the subject of beetles. thank you for your patience.
magnolia leaves
I was momentarily puzzled/dazzled by the vision of your 12 year old enamored with Cleopatra. :-)
Laughed out loud at your comment, Erica. Thank you! By the way, we are probably closer than I’m willing to admit to the Cleopatra phase permanently preempting the Coleoptera phase. I will be very sad.
In our house it was a passion for parasites–usually discussed at the dinner table. Thanks to the veterinarian next door, we have a nice collection of small animal specimens and a semester’s course notes. And yes, parasites were eventually preempted by Cleopatra, but as it turns out she also has a thing for zoology as is not squeamish discussing it over roast chicken. There is hope.
This is beautiful! So sculptural.
Thank you Kris!