while the kids were sitting in front of the fire doing homework, and i was sitting at my computer editing yesterday’s milkweed photo, we heard two closely spaced thumps from what sounded like the next room. the kids looked up startled and asked “what was that?”. i assured them it nothing to worry about. sadly, an hour later my son found a pair of dead fox sparrows on our deck. the odd thing about it, was that i think they hit the wall, and not a window. i wonder if they were in a mating chase.
we were all pretty shook up about it. my husband has been throwing seed out his office window for these guys for the past three weeks, and we had all got pretty attached to their entertaining two footed jump-kick scratching in the leaf litter.
found on our deck, saint paul, minnesota
p.s tonight i have an art opening from 7-10 pm at light grey art lab in minneapolis, minneosta. please join me if you are in town.
May they rest in peace. Too bad so many homes are in the way now of their living.
I came across the blog with a Google search and wanted to ask if I could use this image as one of my book covers? Could you get in touch perhaps?