cardinals, blue jays, flickers, and woodpeckers are biggish birds. big, that is, in comparison to sparrows, finches, warblers, and wrens. but every one of them shrieks and dives for cover when the shadow of an eagle rushes across the ground.
bald eagle tail feather, cardinal feather, blue jay feather, flicker feather, woodpecker feather
vadnais lake, saint paul, minnesota
Absolutely beautiful! What did you use to create this image? Was this a photoshop job? Beautiful job!
Hi Jacob,
Thank you! These are all found feathers of mine. I shot the image as one photo. I used photoshop just to get the the background up to a true white which sort of saturated the midtones a bit when I did. Otherwise, it’s a straight up untouched photograph–f8, iso 100, +1 exposure, 55 mm, Canon EOS Rebel T6s
Mary Jo
Jaw dropping