our first visit here in 2010 was full of wind and cold weather in december and january. but because it was 30 degree (F) cold weather, and not -25 degree cold weather, we told ourselves, and anyone who would listen, that we were from minnesota, and that this was still paradise. no, no, said our neighbors. this is terrible weather. this is not normal. we mentally patted them on their behatted heads, and said sure sure, sunny december and january days without jackets, we believe you. of course that’s normal. fast forward six years to december 18, 2016, which featured a 50 degree (F) sunny day in béziers, where we drank a coffee on a terrace against a sun-warmed stone wall, in the broken shade of a thriving palm tree. ok, citizens of autignac. you were right, and we were wrong.
palm branches
béziers, languedoc, france
I know you are aware of what is going on in minneapolis at the moment !!!!!! Enjoy every second while you can.