fireworks for new year’s eve
i read a lot, i especially like artists diaries, writings, and biographies. over the years, i have become very jealous of artists who were part of, in the middle of, artisitc movements: impressionists of the late 1800s, the cubists of 1920, and the abstract expressionists of the 1940s. the idea of being part of something significant like that sounded romantic. well, 202o certainly was significant. and it sure wasn’t romantic. great art movements often follow on the heels of great tragedy (the circumstances that enabled the 1920s, and 1940’s art movements were in large part created by the two world wars). i wonder what will come, artistically, as a result of 2020? i wonder if i will be a part of it? i wonder if i will want to. or if it will want me.
dried goatsbeard seedheads (salsisfy)
Thank you for all the beauty you’ve shared with us over the past year, MJ. STILL is one of the small anchors that has helped maintain sanity in the face of the opposite.