remember your high school math? remember fibonacci? he’s one of my personal faves. in a fibonacci sequence each number is the sum of the two numbers before it. fibonacci spirals are quite common in nature: the shape of a fiddle head fern, the curve of a nautilus shell, the bottom of a pine cone, the leaves of an aloe plant, the center of a daisy, the swirl of a galaxy, even the shape of our ear. do you want to know something else? i’m the biggest nerd in the world. because i actually remember high school math, and i associate fibonacci with my math studies, and not, as my entire family has just informed me, with the massively bestselling book “the da vinci code,” which i have not read, and which apparently deals extensively with fibonacci. as for me, i see fibonacci and i think about clearasil, acne, and a math teacher named mr. kauls.
(ponderosa?) pine cone
Oh, you nerd you !!!! I still have trouble with simple addition :) :)