i have been doing STILL long enough now to know that no two trees, or plants for that matter, behave the same from year to year. temperature, wind, rain, sunshine, humidity, pests (including us), all play a role in determining the virility of plants from year to year. this year, the maple tree that shades our deck has decided it is a very good year to put energy into making seeds. it is, in fact, the best year out of the last eight to do so. we have so many winged samaras on our deck, including a large number of usually rare triplets, that i have considered using a shovel instead of the broom to clear the deck before we sit down to enjoy an evening glass of wine. why this emphasis on reproduction this year in particular intrigues me. so far we are having a generous growing season–sunny, warm days, with regular soaking rains. perhaps it is as simple as “because there is enough energy to do so.” which makes me wonder if human fertility might not work similarly. ok. well, i’ll be thinking about that for a while. see you on the other side.
sugar maple seeds
Another lost childhood memory you brought back to my mind – we called these “whirly-birds”
Maybe it’s a mast year for maples? Are you familiar with this phenomenon? Check it out. Fascinating stuff!