on a low level, in the background of my daily thoughts, i keep trying to figure out what will replace STILL blog when the time finally comes to try something new. as a scientist i have sometimes thought that an electron microscope might be the answer. just keep photographing nature every day, on a white background. except now it would be microscopic nature. if i did that, my daily posts might look something like these seedpods, which are not, despite your lying eyes, highly magnified photos of virus or bacteria cells. they are just sweetgum seedpods from the UCLA campus. and they’ve got me thinking…
sweetgum seedpods
UCLA campus, los angeles, california
i audibly gasped when I saw these. Such terrible memories of my mean cousin pelting all the girls in the church courtyard with these damn things.
I think going microscopic would be really cool and unique.
Some of your loveliest images are backlit like they were illuminated from below while clipped to the stage of a gigantic microscope. This is a brilliant idea.