yesterday my tax-preparer husband was stuck in his office for half an hour with a client, while the client’s spouse ran home to track down some forgotten paperwork. what might have been an awkward, so-how-are-the-kids kind of light socializing, turned into a lengthy discussion of his client’s passionate avocation, which he calls ecopsychology. he is a therapist who operates on the assumption that the source of much of our illness and addiction can be traced to our disconnection with nature. and that the path to healing involves more “vitamin n” or time spent in nature, as well as OBE’s or “out of building experiences.” it sounds a little bit mystical and flower-childish, but i have to say, when i don’t get outside for my daily walks among the trees, birds, and grasses, i start feeling a little bit less sane.
tamarack cones in march
sucker lake regional trail, saint paul, minnesota
it’s abslutely true. human beeings need an intensive contact and connection to nature, because: there they lived more then a million of years of evolution…, not in the square-cut houses of stone an artifical materials, these have been only seconds…, and body, mind and soul remember the relation to nature, whose plants and animals are so alive like me and you, but so many people forgot and don’t know what they’re really missing in their life… What you’re doing is a very good and expressive daily ritual to live and to feel this relation… I love to come here and to reflect my own close link to nature, thank you very much! Ghislana
This sounds like the jist of Your Brain On Nature by Selhub and Logan. A great book. Now, if I would only practice it.
Hi Shannon,
I have read both of Richard Louv’s book (The Nature Principle and Last Child in the Woods), but I have not read Your Brain on Nature. Thank you for the suggestion, I look forward to digging into it!
Mary Jo
Agreed! Richard Louv has written books and started a “movement” Children’s Nature Movement. He believes we need to get kids into nature-they are nature deficient. I think your blog helps all us kids to stay connected! Thank you!
i know i need vitamin n daily and my mind and body really notices its absence when in the super cold months of winter. I think that is why I have a beautiful collection of houseplants in my sunny kitchen corner.
i’m on the same page, margie.