drop your seeds before it’s too late

drop your seeds before it’s too late

my husband steve and i got married when we were 25, but didn’t decide to have kids until we were 35. the first one was easy. but by the time we were trying for the second kid, i was already 37 years old. and i had never seen the chart that shows what happens to female fertility after age 35 (google it, it’s crazy how fast it drops off). needless to say, we had difficulty getting and staying pregnant. i have always wished that some kind-hearted gynecologist would have shown me that chart 10 years earlier. i had no idea. and we could have easily started sooner. we were just kicking around, travelling and having fun, before we started a family. so, this is my warning to all the young women out there…don’t wait until your in your late thirties or forties to start a family if you have a choice. biology doesn’t understand your good intentions.

prairie garsses 

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