do a few things well

my daughter and i are sparring right now over what her college resume ought to look like. she keeps wanting to add things to her c.v. thinking that it will look good to have been widely involved in school activities and her community. i keep saying that doing a lot of things sort-of well is worse than doing a few things really well. maybe i’ll show her this snapping turtle, whose ancestors were paddling around shallow ponds when antarctica and australia were still connected and something called the alps began rising up just north of something that would later be called the mediterranean sea. the snapping turtle is really good at snapping prey with its beak, and it has sharp claws and a hard shell. if i had a little snapper who was preparing to submit an application to evolutionary university, i wouldn’t recommend that she attempt to take up ballroom dancing, or go on a mission trip to haiti, or join the debate team. i would recommend that she emphasize her quite excellent skills at snapping prey, and defending herself with sharp claws and a hard shell. that’s all i’m saying.

snapping turtle hatchling

sucker lake regional trail, saint paul, minnesota

  • Traci says:

    Your images are always stunning, but I especially loved the words with this one! Good luck to you both.

  • margie says:

    if your goal is survival then i agree with the snapping turtle but if it is accomplishment and experience then i would agree with your daughter. I don’t know if things are the same in the USA as in Canada but when you are applying for specialty programs especially in medicine and the humanities it is very important , really essential that you have a well rounded education both inside and outside of school and that you have volunteer work in your community as part of that experience. This becomes even more important than grades when you are applying for important scholarships and awards.

  • Hello, brilliant recommendation and an interesting article, it is going to
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  • Rags says:

    Oh, your blog is wonderful! I believe in paying attention and tend (as do you) to pay particular attention to the smaller details of things. Thanks for the lovely respite in the day!


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