we have a full house here. there are only five of us, but this is a not-so-big house so it feels full. for the past three-plus weeks there has been a lot of hustle and bustle. lots of cooking. lots of creative projects. lots of evenings around the fire. but since monday, the three students are back online all day doing distance learning, and steve is in his office all day and all evening finishing up his tax season. so…this is all a long way of saying that today is the first day i have felt any kind of real ennui. today i longed for my female friends–a walk with my bestie, or a coffee with an old friend from high school, or lunch with a creative colleague. i’m not unhappy about this new sensation of boredom. to the contrary, i am excited. normally, i would go do these things; walk, coffee, or lunch. i am curious to see to see what i do with these urges instead.
eucalyptus leaves