creativity on demand
my assignment today was to create a STILL blog image from scratch while being filmed by a local public television station. at some point being creative on demand is about recognizing what you’re already good at and scaling back to those skills you know you have. spring foraging knowledge? check. finding colors that play well together? check. balancing a composition? check. awareness that circles are almost always interesting? check. from there it was like riding a bike . . . to the store. riding a bike to the store. it was not like riding a bike into the alps during the tour de france. but it was a very complete and satisfying ride to the store.
spring assemblage: jack-in-the-pulpit, ferns, apple blossoms, lilacs, day lilies leaves, violets, spruce tips, linden bracts, clovers, dandelions, wild geranium
I love it when you do circles! So delightful