color blocking

color blocking

when i sat to make the collage i posted yesterday, i first started by sorting all the bits on my desk top into color piles. it’s pleasant work and satisfies something primal. i can image a similar exercise being used for therapy of some kind. my blood pressure dropped. my mind wandered. and i was in deep play. color blocking in fashion and design may go in and out of style. but as therapeutic play, it is timeless.

bits and pieces from a naturalist’s desk

  • Ginny says:

    MJ, how do you store all your nature treasures? And, heh heh, how many rooms does it take? How long does it last? You seem to have such an incredible variety… this person wants to know!

    • Hi Ginny, I have more and more people asking about that. I will share all my not-so-secret secrets. Standby, I will have to write it up. I will share it here when I do.
      xo, Mary Jo


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