The most dramatic and thrilling plant here right now is probably wild fennel, which is about 4 or 5 feet tall along almost every rural roadside. it is a potent symbol of this place, and in our case, a potent reminder that we are no longer in minnesota. but it has competition for most common and striking roadside plant. the challenger is this “carotte sauvage,” which displays a mass of white flowers while it blooms, and a complicated broom head of seeds afterwards, and which is, in fact, the very familiar queen anne’s lace. unlike fennel, it grows along almost every minnesota highway in summer, the only difference being that in minnesota it rarely if ever looks out over rolling hills of vines.
carrotte sauvage (daucus carota)
autignac, languedoc, france
Oh, I so thought it was Queen Anne’s Lace at first glance! I am learning so much from your photos (INCREDIBLE!) and your narratives (AMAZING!). I am noticing hints of pink in the flowers. I am imagining what it must look like to see wild fennel flowers with rolling hills of vines in the background. Breath in all in for us back here in the USA. xo
I love the subtle colors here! I hope that you are enjoying your stay in France and thank you for sharing some of it with us.