call me a hull, a shell, or a seed. but don’t call me a nut.

according to jean-luc, the almonds in this little corner of southern france are ready to eat any time after june 24th of each year, plus ou moins. the young fruits are tender and tasty, and will continue to ripen for the next several months until their shells are hard and brown and split open. on the other hand, one must be aware that there are sweet almonds and bitter almonds. the bitter almonds smell wonderful, like marizipan, but are inedible. the sweet almonds . . . well . . . we just finished off a small handful.

young almond fruits

autignac, france

  • Akä says:

    A titre d’information, une très petite quantité d’amande amère n’est pas nocive : je mets quelques amandons (amande du noyau d’abricot) dans mes confitures d’abricot, c’est succulent !

  • margie says:

    those are so gorgeous

  • My children always “fear” the bitter ones ahah !
    Such a beautiful arrangment you’ve made here !


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