bump the table
i have a friend who used to shoot photographs for martha stewart magazine. he told me this story from working there. he said the team would spend hours setting up and styling a shoot, getting everything just so–a holiday table setting for example. then they would call in the creative director for final approval before they started photographing. the creative director would come into the studio, quietly assess the work of his team, then very deliberately bump the table with his hip, and only then declare “okay, now we’re ready”. i love that story. so, now, almost every time i make a tightly composed STILL image, i will shoot a few photos of the tight composition. then i will very deliberately bump the table. and take a couple more photos. most of the time i stick with the first composition. but every now and then, the second one delights in a surprising way. yesterday i did that with the tiger lily wreath. i got this confetti as a result. i like both. how about you?
dried tiger lily petals