the many bouquets of flowers we received for my dad’s funeral are starting to wilt. i was taking them apart today on the deck, tossing the dead stems, and trying to salvage the rest. of course, they are just bouquets, and at the same time, they are not just bouquets.
funeral flora
saint paul, minnesota
You will carry a wonderful bouquet of memories with you and within you always Mary Jo, and they will never fade. Thinking of you at this time and remembering myself in that situation just 2 years ago. Jane
sending you a warm hug
I’ve just spent a good hour, blissfully lost in your exquisite images – put you in my ‘reader’ and thought I’d leave you a note on your latest post, just to say how much I love your work.
And then I read this… Oh I’m so, so sorry to hear about your Dad. Coincidentally today marks the 11th anniversary of losing my Dad. I think about him all the time but so much more as Sep 9th approaches each year. It’s maybe of little comfort right now but I’m sure, like me, you will always carry your Dad with you in your heart and feel him near when you think of him. What a beautiful gift to him you’ve made here.
My deepest sympathies and a warm hug …
I was talking to my husband just yesterday about how we express our emotion. I express through my photographs, while he expresses himself through his music collection. This photograph strikes me as expressive of sadness, yet I feel some hope too. There is some beauty left in these flowers, though most of them are gone or are in the process of going. And yet, curiously you arranged them in a circle. This is where I see hope, one element pointing to the other, never ending. I do not believe death is the end of living, either. But it still hurts for those left behind. My condolences.