birds of a feather (1 of 7)
I’m traveling this week. I will be in NYC all week. I am scheduled to give a lecture and a workshop at the New York Botanical Garden on May 15. The workshop is sold out, but there is still room for the talk and book signing at 11 Am in the Mertz Library at the Gardens. If you are in the area, please come!
Because it has been such a crazy busy two weeks, I have not had time to work ahead, so I have queued up a series of bird images from the past few years. The migrations season is over, and the territory claiming and mate finding season is coming to a close. Our yard has been loud with birdsong this year. More than I remember. It’s been delightful. But the singing will soon end as everyone settles in to raise their nestlings. First up in our series this week is cedar waxwing. One of the most striking of our seasonal migrants.
cedar waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
I absolutely love your book. It has been giving me joy, and peace. (Recently at 4 am!)
Last year I found a deceased waxwing outside of my house and felt it was a gift, although I did mourn for the bird. Such a beautiful creature.